Use "disapprove|disapproved|disapproves|disapproving" in a sentence

1. He disapproves, too, my father.

2. He disapproves of heaping praise on young artists.

3. John somewhat disapproves of the frivolity.

4. She replied that she disapproved.

5. I disapproved strongly of his proposal.

6. [more Bigoted; most Bigoted] disapproving

7. Her mother disapproves of her wearing transparent underwear.

8. The Senate disapproved the nominations.

9. He wagged a disapproving finger.

10. You sound so disapproving, Midge.

11. They were conscious that he disapproved.

12. My parents disapproved of my marriage.

13. Some disapprove of the idea.

14. His request for reinstatement was disapproved.

15. My friends disapprove of me smoking.

16. Janet gave him a disapproving look.

17. Animal conservationists disapprove of experimenting on animals.

18. Orthodoxy, by its very nature, disapproves of tampering with tradition.

19. Mother gave me a disapproving look.

20. One gets the impression that they disapprove.

21. A disapproving frown settled on her face.

22. Your item is disapproved and isn't active.

23. But the official church hierarchy strongly disapproved.

24. Her family strongly disapproved of her behaviour.

25. Most people disapprove of such violent tactics.

26. Mrs Saulitis threw them a disapproving glance.

27. 26 Most people disapprove of such violent tactics.

28. I strongly disapprove of any form of gambling.

29. I disapproved of their unethical actions.

30. ● Why does God disapprove of homosexuality?

31. Non-smokers often disapprove of smokers.

32. In other homes, drinking is strongly disapproved of.

33. His parents disapproved the arrangements for his wedding.

34. My parents disapprove of sex before marriage .

35. The system disapproves inaccurate or incomplete feeds after 30 days.

36. Not approved: The item is disapproved in your Merchant Center account.

37. If an image can’t be improved, the offer will remain disapproved.

38. She disapproved of popular amusements such as fairs.

39. Her disapproving parents refused to attend her wedding.

40. She sounded disapproving as we discussed my plans.

41. Bob strongly disapproved of drinking and driving.

42. His journal shows he disapproved of slavery.

43. The board of directors disapproved the sale.

44. Synonyms: denounce, damn, criticize, disapprove More Synonyms of Condemn

45. Her parents disapprove of her going to dances alone.

46. Her father threw a disapproving glance at her.

47. The Under-Secretary strongly disapproved of tobacco and alcohol.

48. The Prime Minister made it clear that he disapproved.

49. He even disapproves of ‘giving oneself to a lot of wine.’

50. The local police chief, Major Cronin, highly disapproves of their venture.

51. Many people still disapprove of sex before marriage.

52. I disapprove of the depiction of violence on television.

53. They disapproved of my dragging in his wealth.

54. His disapproving remarks about cars are nothing but sour grapes.

55. I am sorry I must disapprove your action.

56. 8 synonyms for Condemnatory: critical, accusing, disapproving, scathing, censorious

57. In the Status column, hover over the ad’s Disapproved status.

58. Antonyms for Approbates include declines, denies, disallows, disapproves, negatives, rejects, vetoes, contradicts, disagrees and invalidates

59. What does Cavil mean? Cavil means to disapprove for minor reasons

60. I disapprove of diets; it's better to eat sensibly.

61. I was getting disapproving looks from the people around me.

62. His mother disapproved of his plan to go away to college.

63. There are those who disapprove of all forms of gambling.

64. Why: The system disapproves inaccurate or incomplete feeds because they create a bad user experience.

65. Tracey would strongly disapprove if he knew whom she was calling.

66. Franco gave them a look which might have been faintly disapproving.

67. Condemn, verb transitive [Latin , to Condemn to disapprove, to doom, to devote.]

68. He strongly disapproved of the way his daughter was behaving.

69. He strongly disapproved of the changes that had been made.

70. John gave me a disapproving look when I suggested another drink.

71. She wants to be an actress, but her parents disapprove.

72. I knew my parents would disapprove, but I went anyway.

73. Also, mismatching prices can cause your items or account to be disapproved.

74. 60 percent of the respondents said they disapproved of the president's performance.

75. Synonyms for Abominates include abhors, despises, detests, hates, loathes, dislikes, execrates, recoils from, shudders at and disapproves

76. Many Chinese, who disapprove of its sexual movements, consider it unruly and licentious.

77. Evidently, many who disapprove of prejudice fail to recognize it in themselves.

78. Booing (plural Booings) A disapproving exclamation by a member of an audience

79. Women policed each other, stopping rebellious acts with cold and disapproving stares.

80. Sex before/outside marriage is strongly disapproved of in some cultures.